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Username Staff Member Issued Action Reason
TravieC Staff | Dez about 1 year ago Ban Active The Ban Hammer has spoken! View »
Thewolf2370 Staff | Dez about 1 year ago Ban Active stealing View »
ProvenFox904887 Manager | Firestone about 1 year ago Ban Active https://barebonesmp.com/appeal Banned for suspicious behavior and you griefed noemard's base with netherrack. View »
Aidenminecraftn Co-Owner | Meowlnight about 1 year ago Ban Active Harrassment, stealing. View »
ClutchSkate777 Owner | NoManaSendHelp about 1 year ago Ban Active The Ban Hammer has spoken! View »
ThorinStarchaser Owner | NoManaSendHelp about 1 year ago Ban Active Stealing From shops and Griefing highway. Lying https://barebonesmp.com/appeal View »
MrBallen13 Owner | NoManaSendHelp about 1 year ago Ban Active Permanent ban for stealing https://barebonesmp.com/appeal View »
pfclown Console about 1 year ago Ban Active The Ban Hammer has spoken! View »
kyojeez Owner | NoManaSendHelp about 1 year ago Ban Active The Ban Hammer has spoken! View »
Spektrax Owner | NoManaSendHelp about 1 year ago Ban Active The Ban Hammer has spoken! View »