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Username Staff Member Issued Action Reason
Stxpendous Manager | Firestone about 1 year ago Ban Active rude to other members, killing, and stealing https://barebonesmp.com/appeal View »
monkey____king Manager | Firestone about 1 year ago Ban Active Rude to staff and other members, killing, and stealing https://barebonesmp.com/appeal View »
ChocolatePooTree Staff | Antai about 1 year ago Ban Active Stealing https://barebonesmp.com/appeal View »
GodOfBalls69 Owner | NoManaSendHelp about 1 year ago Ban Active Cheating View »
JJpoggers01 Staff | FabledRope about 1 year ago Ban Active Cheating View »
TheAussieWilly Staff | Antai about 1 year ago Ban Active Hacking https://barebonesmp.com/appeal View »
Mattoo0oo0 Trial Staff | lav about 1 year ago Ban Active Reason: stealing https://barebonesmp.com/appeal View »
IsaacTheGreat Console about 1 year ago Ban Active cheats View »
Slazer_33 Owner | NoManaSendHelp about 1 year ago Ban Active The Ban Hammer has spoken! View »
Coveeeee Owner | NoManaSendHelp about 1 year ago Ban Active The Ban Hammer has spoken! View »